ALROWAD provides its clients with a Trademark Watch Service by monitoring all published trademarks resembling our clients’ original trademarks in UAE. In case of any infringing signs, an alert include detailed report will be send to the concerned client.

The importance of a Trademark Watch

There are several reasons why a Trademark Watch subscription is important:
If you wish to file an opposition or send a letter to the applicant of a conflicting mark, our attorneys are here to help you every step of the way. Let us help you to continually protect your trademark.


  1. A Power of Attorney in the name of the applicant(s), legalized up to the UAE Consulate. (If the applicant is in the UAE, a notarized Power will be sufficient).
  2. The name of the author, or authors in case of joint-works.
  3. Identification documents of the applicant.
  4. The subject of the work.
  5. Three copies of the work.
  6. A detailed statement of the work’s specifications.

Looking for Intellectual Property services? We're ready to help you!

September 2024
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